Coming Soon: Two new books by Gwen Ehrenborg in eager process!
1) “At Home in the Heart of God, The Father’s Mighty Castle Fortress”
Presbyterian Pastor and Seminary Professor, Dr. Robert Boyd Munger, wrote a short essay entitled “My Heart, Christ’s Home,” which sold over 12 million copies and was widely read and discussed throughout the Christian Church in the 1960’s and 70’s. In it he imagined inviting Jesus Christ into his heart, which symbolically was like his private house. Jesus walked through each room with Robert investigating what was inside. What if we could turn the tables and go inside God the Father’s heart that was like a mighty castle fortress instead of a simple house? What a contrast that would be to examine all the aspects of what our heavenly Father is truly like. We are comfortable with Jesus Christ who was sent by his Father to do his will on earth as our Savior. We also know the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, because he abides with us who believe, but how well do we know the Father’s personality and omnipotent heart? Imagine an imposing fortress castle made of living stones and a Gatehouse of pearls and precious stones. Can you picture a lush garden Bailey surrounding a Keep with its Great Hall, Bedchambers, Kitchens, Chapel, Throne Room and Donjon? What is the meaning of the Storehouses inside the Fortress Walls, and of the Stables, Infirmary, Armory, Forge and Magazine? Who dwells there in the Heart Castle of Father God? Such a visit there would never be forgotten and would certainly change your life forever.
2) “Where was God?” Biblical Answers to Heal from Childhood Sexual Abuse
The statistics of child sexual abuse are so shocking that hearing them is practically impossible to comprehend. Prevention is certainly the greatest need, and the countless victims and their families need to be cared for and healed from the horrendous and life-altering experiences. While excellent counseling programs exist, Christians and others of all persuasions ask similar questions as they attempt to understand why they have been victimized. Questions like “Where was God; why did God let this happen to me; what did I do to deserve this; do I have to forgive my perpetrator?” We must look to the Bible to have answers to these and other difficult questions. Understanding the passionate heart and sovereignty of God is essential to have an accurate means for achieving complete health and wholeness. God is longing to heal and restore his beloved children and he has lovingly promised to do so.